IN JANUARY 1911, expressionist painter Bartholomew Wolf had a chance encounter with Chinese calligraphist Goh Lee Kwan at the Cedar Tavern in downtown Manhattan. Bonded by their mutual appreciation of well-tailored garments, professional athletics, the fine arts, and intrepid expeditions, the two became fast friends.
Later that year, Goh and Wolf founded THE HANDLEBAR GAZETTE, a daily periodical that quickly became essential reading for worldly gentlemen across the globe. Beloved for its distinctive blend of substantive literary journalism with unprecedented coverage of the eccentric and frivolous, the publication is rumored to have been carried by Sir Edmund Hilary to the peak of Everest, and enjoyed by Cousteau and his crew beneath the depths.

A CENTURY LATER, Goh and Wolf’s descendants have brought the publication into the digital age, with the launch of HANDLEBAR MAGAZINE. Though now a web-based endeavor, the newest incarnation of Handlebar aims to match the wit, candor, and overall quality of its storied predecessor.
Today, Handlebar Magazine consists of four main sections, each modeled after one of the founders’ primary interests: STYLE covers the latest and greatest in menswear from around the world; SPORTS provides a divergent perspective on the culture of sports; ARTS reports on the worlds of film, television, music, literature and visual art; and, finally, KNOWLEDGE serves as a compendium of current events, travel logs, philosophical musings, and instructional guides.